tigriswolf May 04, 2013 13:48
series: peter turned stiles instead, rated pg-thirteen, fanfic: teen wolf, wordcount: two-thousand plus, fic, rated r, title: a, point of view: third person, series: comment_fic, tv fic, series: fic_promptly
tigriswolf May 01, 2013 12:53
series: peter turned stiles instead, rated pg-thirteen, fanfic: teen wolf, wordcount: eight-thousand plus, fic, rated r, title: a, series: comment_fic, point of view: third person, slash, tv fic, het, series: fic_promptly
tigriswolf Apr 13, 2013 21:36
rated pg-thirteen, fanfic: teen wolf, wordcount: four-thousand plus, wordcount: drabble, rated r, title: a, point of view: third person, tv fic, series: fic_promptly, gen, series: peter turned stiles instead, wordcount: drabble plus, fic, series: comment_fic, slash, het